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mixed strategy中文是什么意思

用"mixed strategy"造句"mixed strategy"怎么读"mixed strategy" in a sentence


  • 混合策略


  • Computing transmission constrained cournot mixed strategy equilibrium in electricity market
  • The version of a game expanded to allow mixed strategies is called the mixed extension of the game
  • A mixed strategy maps each of a player ' s possible information sets to a probability distribution over actions
  • Some games have no nash equilibria in pure strategies , but have one or more equilibria in mixed strategies
  • The seventh part interprets various promoting methods and mixed strategy which can be used in the operation of supermarket enterprise
  • This mixed strategy is just what copyright needed ? if it was to preserve the particular balance that existed before the change induced by the internet
  • A mixed strategy is one in which the player makes a random choice among two or more possible actions , based on a set of chosen probabilities
  • Thirdly , the paper segmented sichuan market , decided target market of xijie company and positioned xijie ' s products . according to this , we formulated marketing mix strategy
  • Brand equity originates from marketing mix strategy , and so the relationship between brand equity and marketing mix becomes an important part in the brand equity study field
  • In the present paper , a max - min theorem and a max theorem are proved on local convex topological linear spaces , as an application , it is obtained that there exists optimal mixed strategies in a two - person game with an infinite pure strategy set
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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